Power-Up Physical Therapy
Helping People in the Greater Denver Area
Get Active & Stay Active Pain-Free!
Physical Therapy Delivered Differently
Does this sound like you?
Are you trying to stay healthy/fit but can’t because pain is stopping you from exercising?
Are you worried that an injury will stop you from participating in activities you love, such as working out, CrossFit, hiking, skiing, or playing with your kids or pets?
Have you been dealing with a nagging injury/pain that has not gone away?
Have you seen other providers in the past and have been frustrated by no long-lasting change in your pain?
At Power-Up Physical Therapy, we are committed to solving these problems for our clients. Our goal is to help you stay active with any activity or sport that you desire, so you can live the best active, pain-free life that you deserve!
Who We Serve
You may not necessarily associate yourself with sports and athletics, but you need your body to be healthy to keep living the best life that you desire. Your time is precious, and you cannot be slowed down by nagging pain or injuries. Whether it be taking the dogs for a walk, playing with your kids, enjoying a hike, or doing your daily life activities, you deserve to be pain-free!
Whether it be CrossFit, Skiing, Snowboarding, Running, Golf, Hiking a 14er, or any other sport - the frustrations of pain, injury, and nagging limitations are felt the same across the board. As athletes, we understand these frustrations and are committed to getting you back to performing at your highest level as quickly and safely as possible!
“If you have a body, you are an athlete.”
- Bill Bowerman, Nike co-founder